Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

you should know

yesterday just a small view for tomorrow
tomorrow will be a mystery
if we couldn't realize part puzzle in front of you

if u have unhappy in ur passed
u can remove what u feel
but u can't remove what happen in ur pass
if u feel glad and proud in your passed
not mean u will have the same moment in future
so make a great plan to shore your pass

Selasa, 10 April 2012

hello........i've done

say hello.....
in the first time
for my self and only
just simple word

i'm not deserve
i heard it that day
just silence and try to get it
don't care what i hear,nothing at all

for the second
say hello to yourself
and you will know
you lose when you read it

say hello again for the last
but it will be a new meaning for us
to say you're great
and you,deserve to get what you have done

note to my self

aku yang sederhana merangkai
mengalungi satu per satu pilu yang memburu
menghiasnya dengan butiran peluh dingin
membubuhi dengan kerinduan yang abadi

di setiap sudut keramaian
ada jemarimu yang meredamkan dahagaku
dibawah terik yang menggoda amarah
uluran tanganmu memberi keriuhan yang menyejukkan

namun kusadar saat tak mampu merengkuh sempurnamu
akulah kata yang tak tersusun indah
hanya bertopang pada impian
yang enggan melangkah maju dan terpaku

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

just i am...for my self only

“i am enough, just as  i am. 
Each emotion i feel, everything in my life, everything i do or do not do…
where i am and who i am right now is enough. 
It is perfect. i am perfect enough”
there is nothing wrong with wanting more in this life but please stop comparing myself to others, just remember who i am, and the beautiful person inside me. 
Stop that negative self talk, i am beautiful, and i am enough.
And because i am perfectly enough, please Smile, it makes a world of difference.
Dance, who knows when i won’t be able to? 
Cry, holding those emotions inside is bad for me.
Kiss, it is one of the most wonderful things in this world. 
Laugh, what is the point in hiding happiness?
Frown, why not let them know i am unhappy? 
Apologize, i don’t want to lose friends. 
Hug, there is no better feeling than being wrapped up close to someone i love. 
Live because life is everything.

point of you

There’s a point in your life when you know who stays forever and who’s just around for a while.
People change, but so do you. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. 
Bad things happen to everyone, you’re not in it alone.
People lie and some people just don’t care how you feel. 
Your heart beats no matter how much pain you’re in. 
Everything will be okay eventually. 
There are always people in your life that just make your day no matter the miles.
I know all about distance, I’ve been dealing with it all my life, so don’t tell me it’s easy, but it’s worth it. 
I’d rather stay in touch with the people I love than just drop it and forget about it. 
You don’t forget about the ones you love, it doesn’t work like that. 
Give it all you got, and live your life to the fullest.
People would kill to have what you have.
Someone always has it worse off than you, but that doesn’t mean your pain doesn’t count.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

This is my confession;
not a day goes by where
you don't cross my mind.

I really missed you tonight.
I miss talking to you.
Knowing that you get me.
And every time i talk to someone else
it just reminds me of how much they dont.

he's standing on a line
between giving up and seeing
how much more she can take.

Sometimes we expect more from others
Because we would be willing to do that
much for them...

If you dont fo after what you want
you'll never get it..
If you don't ask
the answer will always be no.
If you dont step forward
Your always in the same place

Maybe things do happen for a reason.
Maybe they don't,
But no matter what they still happen.

you only have 3 choices when it comes to love.
-Give it up
-Give in
-Give it all you've got.
You decide which ones worth it.

I'm not sure i could.
They say time heals everything
but im still waiting..

People always say follow your heart.
But what they don't tell you is that
just because you follow your heart
doesn't mean theres a happy ending.


this innocent smile of mine
lay words left unsaid
words of longing , love , anger and hate
all repeated inside my head.

I saw your smile again today;
i know it's been awhile and
i was reminded why
i could never forget that smile

Just because you keep something a secret
doesn't mean it never happened,
no matter how much you want that to be true.

I think that the only reason why people
hold onto memories so tight for so long
is because memories are the only things
that don't change when everything else does.

Take chances
because it's better to cross the line
and suffer the consequences than to
stare at that line for the rest of your life.

If it really didn't matter,
you wouldnt spend so much
time thinking about it.

It's hard when you shouldn't hold on
but your too inlove to let go.

There's just something about you
i'm scared to lose because
i know i wont find it in anyone else

Be mad for as long as you can,
cause once you stop it hurts like hell

The truley painful good byes
are the ones that are
never said and never explained

It seems when you want someone,
they dont want you.
And when someone wants you
You don't want them.
And when you both want eachother
something has to come and mess it up

We fear rejection
want attention
crave affection
and dream of perfection

hanya kata

lelehan besi tua tak hentinya mengguyur luka yang semakin dalam
aroma mawar tak seindah wujudnya yang berduri
menjajaki kawah pesakitan yang terselubung khianat
inikah yang mereka sebut dengan sudut awal kebahagiaan kelak

bagiku ini tak lebih dari sekedar kertas lusuh dengan coretan tanah
tak pula lebih indah dari kursi goyang tua yang menghiasi teras rumah
hanya berusaha menyunggingkan setitik senyum di ujung bibir
dan entah harus kulakukan untuk menutupi air mata

esok semoga tak lebih hina dari carut marut  binal kehidupan
hanya mengangkat harap
tak ingin lebih
berusaha menapaki jalanan kehidupan